Saturday, December 16, 2006

How to Hire Bloggers and Start Your Own Blog Network - Part 2

How to Hire Bloggers and Start Your Own Blog Network - Part 2

By Iszuddin Ismail

This is Part 2 of this article. In Part 1, I told the story how I ended up having a telephone conversation with Paul Short, talking about how to hire blogger and start a blog network. And I explained about one the things that we talked about which was how to find your blogger.
If you don't know who Paul Short is, he's an awesome blogger who also owns a blog network, Gomaud Media.
We talked about so many things during the call. Apart from how to find your blogger, we also talked about how to prepare your blog. When I asked this, what I wanted to know if there's any special method that Paul uses in preparing his blog before a launch.
- Are there any specific plug-ins that you need to use?- Are there any special steps that you need to take?- Are the blogs designed in a specific way?
Those were the questions that were floating in my mind.
And Paul's answer was rather interesting. I thought that for a blogger and a blog network owner like Paul, he would have developed a system for all of his blogs. But the interesting this is, Paul mentioned that all of his blogs are unique.
To Paul, your blog doesn't really have to be in a special way. The most important thing is to make sure that visitors know how to find their way around the blog. What's important is the web usability. Looking at similar blogs within the same topic would also help you understand how you should design and structure your blog. In other words, spy on your competitions.
But Paul did mention a few things that he found to be helpful. Most of his blogs would normally have certain plug-ins which make the blog a lot more sticky and helps visitors get around. To make sure that visitors stay a lot longer, and browse deeper into your blog, Paul installs plug-ins like Recent Posts and Related Posts. This also helps with generating more advertising revenue because visitors would browse more pages that contain advertisements.
As for search engine optimization, Paul only does the basic things like setting up the Permalinks so that your blogs have a search-engine-friendly URL. Optimizing the title tag in the template is also a wise move. Generally you would want the title of the post to appear in front of your blog name in the title tag.
And one other thing that Paul mentioned when it comes to launching your blog is to have enough content. For Paul, he would at least have posts that occupy at least two pages before starting to promote the blog. I would translate to having about 40 posts in your blog. The last thing that you want is visitors having a bad first impression of you.
I have to say that I am not the expert here. And we can't actually discuss about how to start a blog network without having to write an novel. But somehow, I hope this has helped.
Paul and Iszuddin (Kidino) talked over an hour about how to hire bloggers and start your own blog network. They segmented their discussion in seven topics - 1) choosing a topic for the blog, 2) preparing the blog, 3) working with bloggers, 4) writing your blog, 5) promotion, 6) managing your blogs and 7) monetizing. And one interesting thing that Paul shared was about a little-known monetization tactic that is bigger than Adsense. To learn more about starting a blog network, head over to
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